NEW In Hitachi/HiKOKI

44 Items
If you’re looking for new Hitachi power tools then you’ve come to the right place. Tougher, smarter and more advanced than ever before, Hitachi’s new range of woodworking tools, grinders and polishers, drills, drivers and gas nailers provide the functionality and durability you need. Whether you’re looking for something heavy duty that delivers plenty of power, or a compact alternative to work in the tightest space, we have a huge range of cordless and mains-powered Hitachi tools for use at home and on site. Don’t forget that as well as our range of new Hitachi power tools, we also stock Hitachi accessories, job site radios and torches and lighting so you can find everything you need in one place. And, if you need yours sharpish, just place your order by 3pm and we can have it with you the very next day.